- pray without one's beads 估计错误
- I haven't enough money to buy a car, so I'll just have to do without one. 我没有足够的钱买汽车,只好将就着不用汽车了。
- It's rare to find an American teenager without one. 在美国要找到一个没有驾照的青少年是很不容易的。
- The Corsets: Don't Leave Home Without One! 束腹:不能一个人离开家!
- Wrong number,I think.He hung up without one word. 打错了,我想。他一句话也没说就把电话挂了。
- Who decided to bring the girl here without one word to her first? 是谁决定不先跟这姑娘解释一下就把她带到这里来的?
- You long to experience continually the nearness of God.Here is the secret: Pray, pray without ceasing. “凡求告耶和华的,就是诚心求告祂的,耶和华便与他们相近。”
- If we can't afford a car, we'll just have to do without one. 我们要是买不起车,也就只好不用了。
- If you don't think every day is a great day, try going without one. 要是你认为每一天并不重要,那么不妨试试少过一天。
- It's 4 oclock right now,even without one minute error. 正好是四点,一分钟不多,一分钟也不少。
- Pray without partiality for all obstacles to be pacified for America and Iraq, for whatever friends and enemies we may have, and for ourselves, and all motherly sentient beings. 为我等的冤亲债主,为我们自己,为一切如母有情,让我们无偏地祈祷,愿美国与伊拉克的所有障碍尽皆消除。
- She left without one word to us,which is very unpolite. 她不向我们打声招呼就走了,这是非常不礼貌的。
- Of course we are just as precious to Him as if we were.But we often pray rather selfishly for ourselves.We pray without very much thought for the rest of God's family. 当然,在神的眼中,我们每一个都是神的宝贝儿女,但我们往往只为自己的需要向天父祈祷,很少想到神家中的其他成员,这实在是太自私了。
- Osami Nagano can be beaten, but not without one hell of a scrap. 永野修身也可以被打败,只不过一场血战不可避免。
- And how shall they hear without one who proclaims Him? 没有传道的,怎能听见?
- I haven't enough money to buy a car,so I'll just have to do without one. 我没有足够的钱买一辆汽车,因此没车我也得应付过去。
- I was lost in my thoughts. My eyes were so dry without one only drop of tear. 我眼睛干干的,没有一滴泪水,只是在那儿想痴了过去。
- You can achieve happiness without one,maintain psychologists Michael Mmercer and Maryann Troiant. 你可以不找精神科医生就得到快乐,心理专家迈克尔.;默瑟和玛丽安
- Whole days and weeks passed without one such hearty greeting as he had been wont to enjoy every day in Chicago. 整整几天、几个星期过去了,他没有听到过一声他在芝加哥时习惯了的、每天都能听到的那种亲切的招呼声。
- All the time they agonize and pray. 他们一直在忍受苦痛并且祈祷。